
This Fierce Life.

Designed for parents who are working from home with little ones - from baby to virtual school students, in the creative field. If that's you, and you're wanting to kickstart a creative career or build upon a craft you're already active in, this is for you. Anytime what you're selling is dependent on your time to create it, This Fierce Life is for you. Entreprenuership and being a stay-at-home-parent are not mutually exclusive.


Hi, I'm Kate.

I am a creative and a mother of two.

I received my masters in advertising and marketing with entrepreneurship in mind before I even knew if having children would be in my future. A part of me always knew that if I were able to have children, I would want to be home raising them. Working for myself would be the way to make that happen.

Once a graphic design freelancer, I am now the owner of a seven-person team at Fierce Creative Agency in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri. Before stepping out on my own, I worked in corporate advertising and then at a public relations agency.

My role grew to strategy and marketing consultant and then finally, I came to a point where I had to make a decision—do I continue working on my own or hire and see where this thing goes?

I hired.

The year my younger one went to kindergarten, I hired another designer and an office assistant, taking a step from freelance to agency.

Whether you want to build your freelance business to that of a full agency or keep on the solopreneur route, This Fierce Life was designed for you.

I am dedicated to creating a network of resources and opportunities for those in the creative field who are building their business with a little one (or little ones) on their hip.

This Fierce Life is a community that I wish I had but could never find when I was searching in those first years.

This is our community.

It is designed for an energetic and motivated parent in the creative field. I want to pour into you because I’ve done it and I KNOW you can do it! I’ve made some great decisions and some not so great ones. That being said, I promise to be honest, intentional and brave in my approach to This Fierce Life. In return, I ask that you show up in the same way. The payoff for running your own business and being home with your kids is immeasurable joy.

This is not a decision anyone should make lightly. To be successful, it takes commitment and sacrifice, grace and patience.

Why do I do this to myself?

Why am I encouraging you to try?

The answer is simple. You’ll never regret trying. In this community, we all have one thing in common, we love our families and we love what we do. You’re a talented and driven individual that is willing to make sacrifices here and there to give both worlds a try — being the best parent you can without stepping out of your career completely.

That’s why.

You love what you do and you’re confident enough in your skills to make it into a business.

Truly, this is a sacrifice you’re making for your family and for your career. For that, you should know that you will reap great rewards. If that scares you to the core, you’re probably on the right track. Trust your gut and let’s move you from doubt or frustration to fun adventures with your wee ones while feeding your creative soul to overflowing.
