Fierce Truth

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Fierce 15: Productivity, 15 Minutes at a Time

The problem: You don’t have enough work time. The solution: structuring your day so that you can maximize the time you do have to advance your business. When you’re building your business and working full…

Managing Your Career and Virtual School

There are two ways we enter This Fierce Life. One is when we decide to stay-at-home and raise our little ones for those first 3 – 5 years of their life. The other is because…

virtual school student working at home desk

Unnecessary Stress

If the stress is unnecessary, cut it—a simple concept. If your toddler refuses to wear anything but their rain boots and three-hats at once, go with it. If making dinner falls through, pop in your…

Possible, Not Perfect.

The joy of being a new parent is immeasurable. However, it goes without saying that parenting is not perfect. Don’t even worry about trying to be perfect—chuck perfection out the window! Just soak in the…

Teeny, Tiny Successes.

Did you take an uninterrupted shower today? Success. Did your baby take a nap longer than 10 minutes at a time? Success. Did you work in a walk or put a load of laundry in?…

Be Present.

You have 3 – 5 years with your little one at home with you before preschool or kindergarten. This is the most formative time of their development. If there’s one thing I can guarantee, it’s…