Fierce Truth


The Fierce 15 Student Edition

The Fierce 15 Time Management & Productivity Tool isn’t just for busy parents running the household and their business, this works for tweens and teens too. After being asked by some of you how that works, I kicked up a quick guide for students to use. We all can benefit from being more focused and…

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Change of Plans

The holidays will look different this year for most of us. Your usual travel and family gatherings have most likely been altered by the pandemic.  Knowing that you’re opting out can cause stress on all sides, but remind yourself of the good that you’re doing by protecting the people you love. Coming up with alternatives…

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Different Thanksgiving Turkey by Mkm

Managing Your Career and Virtual School

There are two ways we enter This Fierce Life. One is when we decide to stay-at-home and raise our little ones for those first 3 – 5 years of their life. The other is because of the pandemic that we are living in.  In most recent weeks, I’ve spoken with parents who have been laid…

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virtual school student working at home desk

Be Present.

You have 3 – 5 years with your little one at home with you before preschool or kindergarten. This is the most formative time of their development. If there’s one thing I can guarantee, it’s that you will never regret being fully present for them in that time. My second child was about to enter…

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What This Fierce Life Teaches Your Children

Being an entrepreneur is a beautiful thing. Sharing and showing your kids what that means, even in the early days, is important. You want them to know that they too can have a career AND raise a family at home at the same time. They don’t need to follow your path, but they need to…

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