Fierce Truth


When Busy is Mistaken as a Sign for Success

Our sense of being busy can easily be mistaken for success. Let’s take a critical look at our time, how we use it and how we show up in our day. Let’s be productive in our work time and most flexible and present in our parenting. It takes work and focus to understand the varying…

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Stop being Busy. Start being Productive.

Managing the Change of Holiday Plans

Things are looking different this holiday season for so many. If you’re not directly affected by COVID-19, the pandemic is directly affecting every household. As you change your plans, there are a few ways to make it special – even when we’re home and away from loved ones. Make the most of it. Make it…

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Podcast Episode: Staying Home for the Holidays

When Entrepreneurship Meets Virtual School

When your entrepreneurship meets virtual school, This Fierce Life gets messy. How are you holding up? Let’s chat through what’s working and what’s a challenge during this time trying to move your business forward while also being the tech department, the teacher’s aid from science to art class, your kid’s lunch and recess buddy, the…

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Business and Recess Duty

Realistic Goal Setting for Your Business

Goal setting when you’re starting your business is tricky. It’s hard to know where to start. This Fierce Life advice? Start small, realistic, and real. Consider where your head is for why you’re even trying to do this combination of work-at-home, stay-at-home life. Your tangible goal doesn’t have to be a dollar amount. It needs…

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Goal setting for your business

Three Steps to Start Your Business Today

Whether you’re home with little ones or you’ve found yourself making a career change due to the pandemic landing you back at home with kids doing virtual school, getting started seems overwhelming. What if we fail? What if I’m not ready? Will people take me seriously? These three simple steps will get you started today….

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Get your business started today

Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time to Start Your Business

Waiting for perfection is a defense mechanism. You keep telling yourself the timing’s not right, the business name isn’t right, if only you had this or that setup, it would be right. But that’s just not true. You’re holding yourself back if you’re waiting for things to be perfect before you start your business. Stop…

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It will never be the perfect time.

The Fierce 15 Time Management Tool

Use this time management thinking to change how you show up in your day. When you want to go all-in with your work when it’s time to work and ever-present with your kids when it’s time to be with them, the Fierce 15 time management tool is your answer. Catch more in our video tutorial…

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Productivity 15 Minutes at a time.

How to Address the Internal Struggle with Guilt

You’ll face guilt in real ways with the work-at-home, stay-at-home life. It’s guilt that you should be working when you’re with your kids and guilt when you should be with your kids when you’re working. It’s intense and it’s real. You can work through it and we’ll chat about how.

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Guilt if you do. Guilt if you don't.