Fierce Truth


How are you feeling? Really.

The past 12 months have tested us in every way. A year into this, it’s time to take stalk of how YOU feel. Take notice of how your focus, energy, sense of overwhelm, calm, hope, struggle, or stress is measuring. I’m hearing from you that starting your business, or keeping it going, is not possible…

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Five Things to Do On the Weekend for a Successful Week

Carve out time in the weekend to set yourself up for success throughout the week. While the pace of your work-at-home, stay-at-home life doesn’t always have a drastically different weekend feel, create a different vibe on Saturdays and Sundays for you and your family. Here are five things to do this weekend to set yourself…

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weekend vibes

The To-Don’t List

Expired cheese balls shouldn’t be the only thing on your to-don’t list. This one’s a game-changer, friends. I am a big advocate for lists. I live by my Fierce 15 and can’t seem to go anywhere without my notebook, planner and a pad or two of sticky notes. If it’s not on the list, it’s…

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Expired Cheese balls

Change of Plans

The holidays will look different this year for most of us. Your usual travel and family gatherings have most likely been altered by the pandemic.  Knowing that you’re opting out can cause stress on all sides, but remind yourself of the good that you’re doing by protecting the people you love. Coming up with alternatives…

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Different Thanksgiving Turkey by Mkm


If you’re a stay-at-home/work-at-home parent you’ve probably figured out that your priority is all things for your little ones. If you haven’t, stop reading right now and go change a diaper, sing to your child, read with them, build a tower of blocks. Let them kick over the tower and build it again. If you’re…

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setting priorities on baby toes

Unnecessary Stress

If the stress is unnecessary, cut it—a simple concept. If your toddler refuses to wear anything but their rain boots and three-hats at once, go with it. If making dinner falls through, pop in your favorite go-to frozen pizza, spaghetti or declare a popcorn night. If a client project falls through, shake it off and…

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Possible, Not Perfect.

The joy of being a new parent is immeasurable. However, it goes without saying that parenting is not perfect. Don’t even worry about trying to be perfect—chuck perfection out the window! Just soak in the love you feel for you little one. At some point, you will face trials. Enduring all of the bumps and…

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Teeny, Tiny Successes.

Did you take an uninterrupted shower today? Success. Did your baby take a nap longer than 10 minutes at a time? Success. Did you work in a walk or put a load of laundry in? You’re winning. (Please note, no one said anything about drying or folding the laundry, that’s for the next day’s victory.)…

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