Fierce Truth

weekend vibes

Five Things to Do On the Weekend for a Successful Week

Carve out time in the weekend to set yourself up for success throughout the week. While the pace of your work-at-home, stay-at-home life doesn’t always have a drastically different weekend feel, create a different vibe on Saturdays and Sundays for you and your family.

Here are five things to do this weekend to set yourself up for a successful week.

  1. Plan Meals. Think through the activities for the week and how that may affect for your meal plans. Whether you’re cooking, picking up or your partner is leading the charge in this area, a quick plan can help your week run more smoothly.
  2. Learn Something. Absorb at least one piece of business or creative advice. Listen to a podcast, read an article or watch a tutorial video that gives you insight or practical tips on how to move your business forward.
  3. Take personal time. Whether you take in some reruns on Netflix, you can sneak in a walk or run around the block, create just for release or even meet up with a friend or partner for a coffee or focused conversation time. Take some time that helps you connect with yourself. Fill your cup so you can be ready to pour out for your kids and work in the week.
  4. Plan your work time. Use the Fierce 15 to outline your work time for the week. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, grab those pdfs here. This helps you show up and be more efficient and productive with your work time.
  5. Connect. Take in some connection with your soul. Different than personal time, you need to be able to check-in with your heart, your purpose, your motivation and the why and how you show up in the world. Journal, pray, meditate or express yourself through a creative outlet that is only for you.

What else works for you? I’d love to know. Drop me an email.



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