Fierce Truth

self check in

How are you feeling? Really.

  • March 14, 2021

The past 12 months have tested us in every way. A year into this, it’s time to take stalk of how YOU feel. Take notice of how your focus, energy, sense of overwhelm, calm, hope, struggle, or stress is measuring.

I’m hearing from you that starting your business, or keeping it going, is not possible right now. It feels too big, too much. Yet it’s also something you need personally and as a source of income. You have the desire, but not quite the energy. Others of you are slammed with work but also slammed with responsibilities of your family, virtual school, or a partner who also is experiencing a job change. We’re experiencing loss. We’re experiencing mental anguish. We’re finding joy in the little things and living minute by minute. It can be simply too much. 

If you’re finding yourself in any of these places right now, that’s okay. It’s MORE than okay. 

We can often spend the majority of our time checking in with everyone else that we fail to check in with ourselves. This was true before the pandemic, so here we are now and that pressure and neglect is only digging us deeper into a hole. 

Now is the time to take notice. Look at what is happening in your heart, your mind, your soul. 

Take a walk through the following questions and answer with the first thought or phrase that comes to your mind. Write a paragraph, a page, or write just a word. Be as honest with yourself as possible. 


  • Write one word or phrase that represents how you’re feeling at this moment. 
  • When you think about your business, what words or images come to mind?
  • Where are you finding joy? 
  • How are you sleeping? 
  • Who are you pouring into? Who is pouring into you?
  • What are you doing that is just for you?
  • What would help your business most right now?
  • Where or what is causing stress in your life? Where do your worries come from?
  • Where are you struggling most? Who or what can help you with that?
  • When it comes to your children, write a word or phrase on how you are feeling? 
  • As a partner/spouse, how would you describe where your heart is? 
  • For your creative work, how are you showing up? How does “work” make you feel?
  • Where do you see hope?


Thank yourself for all you’ve done to arrive at today. Thank yourself for navigating the rollercoaster of emotions that are yours and of others that delivered this day to you. 

Smile that you’re here. Take a deep breath. You made it.

If you’re ready for a conversation, I’m ready too. If you’re ready to set goals for your business, let’s roll. If you’re ready to put things on pause, I’m ready to give you grace and friendship to support that. 

What you do next shows bravery. You show courage in knowing where you are and what you need in order to move forward. Every step, big or small, is a step. And right now? That’s all we need.



If you are in crisis, please get help now. If you’re having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.



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