Fierce Truth

Three things to do to Start Your Business today

You Can Do This. Three things to do to Start Your Business today.

  • October 28, 2020

Get started.

Keep it simple and get out there. The community is here and ready to take you in, encourage you and help you navigate this fierce life. You’re in it and we’re in it with you. If you’re waiting for it to be perfect – the perfect timing, the perfect project, the perfect branding – you’ll never do it. Get up. Show up. It’s time to make it happen.

Here are some quick “get started today” tips. You can also listen to the podcast here.

  1. Define your services. What are you offering the world? Define it in the simplest of terms and then allow your clients to fill in the gaps with additional ideas and requests. Listing everything out may put you in a box. Leave it open with a few specifics in your area of expertise and give them a reason to contact you.
  2. Online presence. Select 1-2 social media platforms that meet where your prospective clients will be and where you can show up consistently. Mind you, showing up consistently doesn’t mean every day. Just a platform that feels right to you, makes sense to your audience, and is easy to check in and post most comfortably. My recommendation is on LinkedIn for the obvious business connections and one other that’s good for you. There’s Instagram for visuals to share, Facebook if that’s your thing and Twitter if you can be in the conversations that align with your services.
  3. Use your name. Don’t waste any time on a business name or branding around your name to get started. The most important thing to do is to tell others what you can do for them and then start sharing the work you accomplish. Good work leads to more good work. This is coming from a person who builds brands for a living (and you may too).  You know how important branding is, but in this case you just need to get started. Trying to brand and build a business plan at the beginning of your freelance career is a waste of time, which is invaluable at this stage. So, get out there and after it. Letting your business take shape organically will remove unnecessary pressures we put on ourselves to “do it a certain way.” All you need is your time and talent. That’s it. Share it and you’ll be on your way!

This is your community of parents building creative businesses while raising babies. When a client’s demands are weighing heavy on you, we’re here. Because we understand the reward of serving others with your creativity feeds your soul. At the same time, you’re totally smitten by every coo and micro-milestone your baby makes. These attributes make you fierce – fiercely in love with your sweet baby and fiercely determined to grow your career.

You can do this.

I’d love to hear about your fierce life. Email me, DM me on Instagram or join our Slack workspace to connect with the community.



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