Fierce Truth

how will you show up in 2021?

It’s Now, or Right Now.

  • December 30, 2020

Every day you have a choice to make on how you’re going to show up. When it comes to making your entrepreneurial dreams come true or your devotion to being ever-present with your family a reality, YOU are in control of how you show up in that. The new year brings with it so much optimism, yet is also a time when we can easily set ourselves up for disappointment or discouragement. There’s a reason that in January all the gyms are full and by February we’ve lost interest. It’s difficult to show up every day. You need an accountability partner. I’m offering to be that partner for you.

If you really want to do this. If you really want to start or expand a creative service-based career while working as a full-time parent, you can. And I want to help you make it happen.

When I started out I knew that being a mom brought me more joy than I could ever have imagined. It still does. I knew that my career to that point had also filled my need to create. What I didn’t know was how they could co-exist. I desired to create a life that I didn’t see anyone else modeling. The cycle of creating for others and creating with my little one was a constant flow of energy that fueled every part of me to what I now call This Fierce Life. It was a beautiful mess in getting me to where I am right now with more mess to come with what’s next. But, there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your work and your play all intertwined. You can create your own version of This Fierce Life.

You do NOT have to pause your career or feel you have to choose one or the other. You simply have to choose how you’re going to show up.

What ensures a person’s success or floundering during this time is highly dependent on a couple of things. One, your mindset. Two, your support system. If you’ve made up our mind or need help deciding, I’m here. If you’re ready to leap, I’ve got you. I’ll be there to help you sail, to catch you if you fall, to laugh through the moments, to cry and scream when we need to let it out. Let’s make This Fierce Life yours. Create the freelance business you want while enjoying the life you have with your littles.

It’s not now or never. It’s now, or right now. How are you going to show up in 2021?

Ready to get started? I’m ready too.

Why am I doing this? 

I believe in the power of people holding each other up. I believe in paying it forward when it comes to what I’ve learned in starting my freelance business and growing it into now a boutique agency. I had no one modeling what this life could be. No one was talking about having children and work all in the same space. We’re hearing more of that now as the pandemic has forced many people to work from home, but it’s different when we’re not trying to live in parallel with our children, but rather (especially when they’re young) they are all dependent on us. Our work and play lives are not happening in parallel. We’re having to make them work at the same time, in the same space. Maximizing our time and being mindful of how we show up each day.

My dream is not your dream, but my desire to help you achieve the success of business and family life is most definitely pure – particularly when you’re in a creative service business. You can feel alone and unsure. I still do at different times. I need you too. That’s what makes this community so unique. We’re not messing around. We’re here to go all-in as parents and all-in as creators. Whatever that looks like, we’re in it together. This Fierce Life. Make it yours.



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