Fierce Truth


Possible, Not Perfect.

  • October 28, 2020

The joy of being a new parent is immeasurable. However, it goes without saying that parenting is not perfect. Don’t even worry about trying to be perfect—chuck perfection out the window! Just soak in the love you feel for you little one. At some point, you will face trials. Enduring all of the bumps and bruises that entails while thriving and weaving through the early days of starting and running a business is an awesome feat.

Not everyone makes it work. Listen to yourself. Take stock in what’s working, and what’s not, for you.

I’m here to tell you it’s possible. Not perfect. If you want a life that allows you to keep active in your creative career and enjoy all the mini-moments of your child’s early years, that’s what This Fierce Life is all about – to weather the storm and to bask in the sun of success whenever and however it comes. I want to cheer with you when that first project is out the door and do cartwheels for you when the baby sleeps through the night.

All of this is about listening to yourself, knowing what you want and going after it. This Fierce Life is a beautiful and fulfilling lifestyle choice. I want to help make it easier with practical and just simply companionship of knowing you can do it. You do not have to pause your career to be home with your family. In fact, you can start down a path that you were meant for, that the world needs and that you can thrive in.



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