Fierce Truth

setting priorities on baby toes


  • November 16, 2020

If you’re a stay-at-home/work-at-home parent you’ve probably figured out that your priority is all things for your little ones. If you haven’t, stop reading right now and go change a diaper, sing to your child, read with them, build a tower of blocks. Let them kick over the tower and build it again.

If you’re going to build your business at night and play all day with your kids, you have to focus on your priorities. The whole reason you’re building your business at home is so you can first be there for your children.

Remind yourself of the priorities:

1) Loving caring for your kids and partner;
2) Feeding your mind and soul through your creative outlet (aka, your biz);
3) Occasionally taking a shower and putting some real pants on.

If you understand where your priorities lie, then you’ll do well. You’ll celebrate the first steps of your little one and cheer that first big win of your business. If you put yourself at the top of this list, things begin to fall apart. You may start resenting your children or partner for “getting in the way” of your business. I’m not arguing that your self-care and well-being are not a priority. I’m not engaging in that battle. You know you need to take care of yourself by putting you on the to-do list. I’m encouraging you to stay focused on the very basic reason you’re home trying to make this all happen – you need to be a parent first.

These are two big buckets you’re filling and not ones that go without sacrifice. Before you begin dreaming of your business and all it can and will be, tend to your daily challenges and joys of being a parent first. You don’t want to miss it. Children grow quickly. Most of you are home with them for the first 3 – 5 years of their life. Make them count.

If you find that you can’t focus on your kids because you’re obsessing about your work, then step back, take a breath. Go on an adventure walk around your living room with your child. Leave your phone behind.

After all, isn’t that why you’re home?



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