Fierce Truth

Stop and Start. And Stop. And Start Again.

Stop and Start. And Stop. And Start Again.

  • October 5, 2020

If your new business life feels like a train that thrusts from full steam ahead then comes to a screeching halt over and over again, it’s ok. If you feel that you get excited to “finally get serious” about your business on Monday and by Tuesday afternoon have fallen off the excitement train, it’s ok.

Your most important “job” right now is learning how to be a good mom, a good dad. That role starts the day that beautiful baby arrives and doesn’t end. Ever. For that ride, you need to enjoy every moment. You need to be there for your baby in ways that you don’t understand, and can’t predict, – that none of us do until we’re in it. You’re on that train at any speed. I can not stress enough for you to – Enjoy. The Ride.

Everything is different now. Your role with your partner changes and the way that you see yourself most certainly shifts too. You most likely moved from a career where you collaborated with others on the daily, creatively feeding off of others, working all day and taking the evenings as yours.

Thinking about starting a business is easy. Launching and keeping this business moving takes effort and commitment. Factor in doing this with a baby on your hip, you have to be able to give yourself some grace. Take the moments of energy and enthusiasm and run with it. When parenting takes up that energy, allow yourself to be there without guilt (Guilt is something I will be sharing a lot about— how to overcome that feeling of guilt when you’re not working because you’re with your baby and the guilt of working when you want to be with your baby – more to come on that one!)

The starting and stopping of your enthusiasm for your freelance career is normal. Don’t get discouraged by it.When you’re ready to build more consistent attention onto your business, you will. As a soloprenuer, you don’t have the accountability that occurs when you’re working for someone else. YOU are the only one that you’re waiting on. I want to help you build that accountability.

Project deadlines will determine most of that accountability, but as you’re building those connections and client projects, you will most likely experience the sudden jolts of your new creative business life.

Don’t get discouraged. Instead, keep showing up. Keep showing up in the promotion of the services you offer. Keep showing up in LinkedIn conversations that jive with your mission.

You can do this. When you’re ready, I’m ready to help you.

Join me in the Slack community space for daily accountability and conversation. I’ll meet you there or you can always email or DM me on Instagram.



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