Fierce Truth


Teeny, Tiny Successes.

  • October 28, 2020

Did you take an uninterrupted shower today? Success. Did your baby take a nap longer than 10 minutes at a time? Success. Did you work in a walk or put a load of laundry in? You’re winning. (Please note, no one said anything about drying or folding the laundry, that’s for the next day’s victory.)

For your early days of navigating being a new mom or dad, success is simply up to you. I emphasize the word “simply”. Don’t overcomplicate it by creating a schedule for your baby’s bathroom and eating schedule. Their disregard to follow it will drive you mad.

Check in with yourself. How are you feeling? How are you feeling about your time with your newborn? Are you able to enjoy the moment? Be fully present? Are you able to share that joy with your partner?

Define what success as a parent is for you. Lean in and snuggle that sweet baby while you listen to your heart and ponder that one.

I wanted to be all-in as a mom. For the most part, I would say I was. As an overachieving, service-minded extravert, this took much practice for me. I came from 12+ hour days at the agency with my own schedule. I was living a life of busy travel, time with my husband, friends, even participating in community theater would fill my evenings. Suddenly I was home with a baby.

I loved it. I want you to love it too.

I had my moments, days, and streaks of frustration for sure, but being a mom was something that was fun and adventurous and a creative extension of who I was. Of who I am.

Take that check-in regularly. As your little ones grow, you need to still ensure you’re doing what is best for both you and for your family. When it comes to your business, you need to define what success looks like there too. Honestly, this may be a little less clear for a while and that’s alright. Your time (or lack of) to dedicate to your business is not as defined when you’re starting out. You’ll need to again, think in mini successes.

Sometimes business success is hearing back from a past colleague on some potential work or getting your LinkedIn profile updated. Sometimes it’s scheduling one phone call or sending that one email for the day. Mini successes are huge when you’re starting this venture.

Keep at it.

Keep checking in with yourself, monetary goals and project goals will reveal themselves when the time is right.

So, how are you feeling? Energized and ready to make things happen? Ready to love your little one with all you have and dive into a creative career that fills you up with excitement?

Then, let’s get after it.



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