Fierce Truth

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The Fierce 15 Student Edition

  • November 21, 2020

The Fierce 15 Time Management & Productivity Tool isn’t just for busy parents running the household and their business, this works for tweens and teens too. After being asked by some of you how that works, I kicked up a quick guide for students to use. We all can benefit from being more focused and productive.

My daughter (13) uses the Fierce 15 to help keep her more focused and organized to free her up for other things. She loves to draw and would fall into her art for hours if we’d let her! Using the Fierce 15 allows her to better understand what time is needed for schoolwork, activities and even chores. She’s doing virtual school which tends to make time a bit blurry too. She’s been using the Fierce 15 for a semester now and it’s making A LOT of things easier – for me too!  This sets her up to resist checking turnip prices on Animal Crossing when she should be finishing her history assignment. It frees her up to connect with friends or dive into her art after the 15s are crossed off the list. Less procrastination, more productivity.

Remember, you can always use multiple 15s to complete a project. You’re not rushing here. You’re breaking things down and allowing yourself to jump in and knock things out.

I’ve got a quick tutorial pdf that shows how this applies to students managing school, sports, the arts, rehearsals and club activities.

It takes some practice, but try it for yourself and now for your student. Let me know how it works for your household.

Grab the Download here

Here’s a quick view of the guide:

Student Time Management Guide of the Fierce 15




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