Fierce Truth


Unnecessary Stress

  • October 28, 2020

If the stress is unnecessary, cut it—a simple concept.

If your toddler refuses to wear anything but their rain boots and three-hats at once, go with it. If making dinner falls through, pop in your favorite go-to frozen pizza, spaghetti or declare a popcorn night. If a client project falls through, shake it off and move on to the next. There are enough pressures as a parent and entrepreneur that if the stress can be eliminated, do it.

The trick is to identify it before it takes over.

The hint? As soon as you feel stress creeping in, ask yourself if there’s another way to handle the situation. Ease the pressure.

Birthday parties are an easy example. Create a joyful experience for your child that is easily attainable. In other words, do what makes your child and you happy. If the thought of having 20 kids over to your house with a roomful of parents to also entertain makes you want to barf? Cut it. If the kid wants one buddy over or just the grandparents, don’t overthink it. If an ice cream cone in the park works, roll with it. And hey, if big parties are your thing, do what works for you!

Volunteering is another one. When you’re a work-at-home parent, the world sees you as constantly “available.” What they aren’t seeing though, are the late-night hours when you’re working on that website mock or that early morning when you’re finishing up that social media strategy. They see you out and about with your little one then they assume and mentally sign you up for all-of-the-things you don’t have time for.

You know what that is? Unnecessary stress.

Cut it. Say no to all the extra and yes to more time spent on your business and with your little ones.

Mealtimes can also fall into this category. Unfortunately, you can’t just cut it. Kids gotta eat, am I right? You can, however, manage it. I made meal prep into an activity for the little ones and me. It started as the baby on the floor with spoons and pans, advanced to dumping in ingredients and then kitchen dance parties while things are in the oven.

Yes, one time I turned around and my son was covered in corn syrup and yes one time my daughter dumped a container of chili powder into the pot. It’s messy and takes longer, but the kids love it and nobody starves.

If cooking with your child sounds like unnecessary stress, I get it. Whether it’s asking your partner to be in charge of supper or busting out the good ‘ol crockpot, find a way that works for you and simplify when you can.

Things out of your control. In a year of a global pandemic, periods of isolation, virtual schooling and remote working, not to mention an election year and continual social justice unrest, the health of your friends, family and neighbors…the list goes on. You have to do the very best you can, with the information you have at the moment for your family.

There is an enormous amount of stress that weighs in on us. It’s unrealistic and naive of us to think we can just “cut” all of that. Because we can’t cut it, we must learn to embrace the things that we can control and even embrace the things we have no control over. We can choose to wear masks, choose to tune into the news for a set amount of time each day to be informed but not all-consumed, we can choose to speak and act respectfully of others in our conversations in person and online, we can choose to love and support each other.

You can’t control others, but you can control your reaction and participation in the world. If checking Twitter starts to eat your day away, turn off your notifications or even turn off your phone earlier in the evening so you can focus on what’s in front of you – your family and your business.

You decide what’s necessary and worthy of concern. Don’t leave it up to anyone else.

What can you cut from your worry list today? What can cut, change or adjust to remove the unnecessary stress?



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